Monday 23 February 2009

You Have Moved on, But the Injured and Burned Children of Gaza Have Not; Call for Cyberspace Aid Convoy

Please consider donating to UNICEF UK's Gaza children's fund (US UNICEF for Palestinian Children here). In fact, I challenge other bloggers to carry the same appeal for UNICEF, among the best aid groups for this purpose, so that we can see if we can create a cyberspace aid convoy for them.

Great blog post by Juan Cole

Wednesday 7 January 2009

We're living in the history books now. All of us.

What are you doing about it?

Donate to UNRWA and write to your local MP calling for an arms embargo on Israel.

Saturday 25 October 2008

BNP Copyright Theft of Condell YouTube videos?

Condell purports not to support the BNP, and yet they have one of his videos - Appeasing Islam - playing on 'BNP Internet TV'.

BNP Internet TV is powered by Mogulus which imports YouTube videos as part of creating your own TV channel. The critical thing is that Mogulus actually imports the YouTube video to its own system. This bypasses the need to embed the YouTube player into a site to play a video and is in clear violation of the copyright which Condell has over his videos.

Condell has created a copyrighted DVD of some of his YouTube videos which is sold for $15 a pop. Clearly, he values his intellectual property. If I were to, for instance, copy that DVD and give it away for free, he would be well within his rights to request that I cease and desist from such an activity. Will he request that the BNP, then, cease and desist from using his copyrighted videos on their Internet TV channel? If not, we can assume that he has given permission for them to broadcast his material, which would clearly be at odds with his claim that he does not support the BNP.

Friday 10 October 2008

Stop Sharia Law in Britain!!!

So Condell caused a commotion with his video entitled 'Saudi Britain which was flagged for violation of the Community Guidelines as he said that the all Saudis were mentally ill.  This is a favourite phrase of Condell, and whilst he made a second video which 'clarified' what he said (he apparently meant to say tht Saudi laws are insane - which is something altogether different).  

Pat Condell loves to label Muslims in particular as mentally ill, as he has done in the past with those Muslims who chose to cover their faces.  I think that we can forgive Condell an isolated incident or slip of the tongue, but when you string together his entire back catalogue of videos I'm sure you will find many slips of the tongue along the same lines as hate speech.  How many times can this happen before you have to say that he is either walking a thin line when he writes his diatribes, or he is just being flat out hateful?

Anyway, once again the trademark Pat Condell  hypocrisy shines through, and so my reply to him again points out the ill-informed nature of his thoughts.  Will I get a reply?  Doubt it.

Oh!  And good news, TheNinjaGirl01 returns with a scathing attack on Condell! You go girl!!!

Monday 30 June 2008

Latest YouTube posting

I've actually posted a few videos to YouTube since my last post.  The videos I've posted I think represent my political evolution somewhat.  I'm becoming less ignorant of the things happening around me, and around the world.  My post regarding Condell having lots of friends in the BNP took me off on a tangent which led to the video below.

It is my shortest video yet, so gets to the point quickly.  The point being that the BNP is not run as a democracy, so why would anybody expect the BNP to run a democratic government if they actually took power in the UK?  For once, this is not a video about fascists or racists or bigots inhabiting the BNP, though undoubtedly there are such people in the upper echelons of the BNP command structure.  This video is about how the BNP is run, and how members of the BNP actually get very little say in how the organisation is run.

The BNP constitution is not available on the BNP site at the time of writing.  If I was a BNP member, I'd want to know why.

Monday 19 May 2008

YouTube Post 8: Social Networking Proves Pat Condell a Liar and hypocrite.

Pat Condell finally got around to launching his new website, and, as I thought, he has made more of an effort to promote his atheist wares with his revamp.  His FAQ section made good reading though, especially the bit which says:-
I don't support any political party, especially not one of the far right.
Well, that got me thinking.  I realised that although Condell claims not to support 'far right' (yes, I mean the BNP) political parties, we can't actually see this for ourselves because he hides his friend list from public viewing.

And this is where social networking comes in.  YouTube is a social networking tool, it lets like-minded people connect, exchange ideas, and meet in the virtual world.  By looking through the friends or subscription list of Pat Condell, we could get a real flavour of his mindset.  But we can't do that because he hides his friends and subscriptions away.  Why is that?

Luckily, there are other people who don't hide who they are friends with.  People like bnprenaissance, EnochPowell2008 and 1kewldude3. All of whom are 'friends' with Pat Condell, and all of whom support the BNP.  Through these and other YouTube users it is easy to see that Pat Condell is deeply embedded into the social network of the BNP party, and my 8th YouTube video will take you through the evidence.

The only way Pat Condell can deflect this damning evidence is to show us his entire friend list, and show us that his network of friends extends beyond BNP supporters and their friends.

Monday 5 May 2008

Stats Update

Condell now has a total of 40 videos on YouTube, not bad since he only joined YouTube in Feb '07, can't fault his measured posting really. Whilst other YouTubers go mental posting a video very other day, Condell at least takes his time.  Thanks to our resident image guru for updating the hate-o-meter again, click the pic for a breakdown of where Condell has been sending his venom to for the past year.

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